Hooray, it's summer! This means vacation and I am so jealous to those who can enjoy a super loooong summer vacation. It is so good to be a student, graduation days is around the corner. *Congrats to all 2015 Graduates*. Well, as for me I am excited about summer and I have a lot of plans but... as a working girl, not all my plans are going to happen. *sob* So, I think I will spend my long weekends and day offs with my family. Last weekend I had a date with my brother and we went at Miracle Art in Marquee Mall, Pampanga. It is so amazing to see all the 3D walls and create your own poses. My favorite is this angel wing. It is a good feeling to be an angel just for a moment.
Shirt: Warehouse | Shorts: DIY | Shoes: Nike Airforce | Bag: Robinson Starmill Pampanga
Your stray kid,