Hi everyone! I think I didn't mention to you guys that I am four-eyed, though sometimes I am accessorizing using a fake eyeglass *which by the way my fave to wear is the cat eye one* and rarely wearing my prescription eyeglass in my post. I had 4 eyeglass and this is the eyeglass that really took a long time for me to used. Having a bad eyesight sucks sometimes but awesome in other ways. If you are a four-eyed you know the struggle but I want a good vibes here. I want to share how to rock an eyeglasses and some tips to look good wearing your prescription eyeglass. If you didn't do your makeup, eyeglass is your savior and I have been save for many times. It blocks some of your imperfection specially dark under eyes, *so thankful I have no dark under eyes* and you will look a genius kid. *haha!* If I am feeling geeky chic, this will comes in handy just like my outfit here. Classic geek chic is coming back to my soul. I guess and in my opinion, eyeglass and oxford shoes are twins, reasons? Its just my opinion. *hahahahahaha!* How to wear glass and not makes your face not boring? My secret is to put your blush on point specially when you have big eyeglass like mine, it makes a big difference, trust me! Bold lips go on so well with eyeglass too. My fave hair style with eyeglass is an up-do, so neat looking. Last one, do your brows!
Top: Thrifted | Skirt: Thrifted | Oxford: Lower East Side | Bag: Avon | Eyeglass: Local Optical Store
Your stray kid,